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Your Child's Comfort in the Pediatric Unit

To make your child's hospital experience as calm and comfortable as possible:

  • Parents and grandparents or guardians are welcome 24 hours a day. Please feel free to bring your child’s favorite blanket, toy, stuffed animal or doll to help ease their anxiety. Visitor restrictions are subject to change. Prior to your visit, please check the latest guidelines >

  • One parent, guardian, or grandparent may stay overnight at your child’s bedside. Either a sleep chair will be provided or the window-seat in your child’s room becomes a bed. Please do not sleep in an empty hospital bed. Siblings may not stay overnight.

  • To keep your child’s bed a “safe haven” at all times, potentially painful procedures will be done in the treatment room when possible. You may accompany your child to the treatment room to help reduce his or her anxiety prior to the procedure.

  • Your child may have an intravenous line (IV) connected to an infusion pump which delivers medications and fluids. The infusion pump may sound an alarm for a variety of reasons; if this happens, you should alert your nurse using the call button.


Additional Contacts

Morristown Medical Center

Overlook Medical Center